第24回 計測自動制御学会



概要 / Outline



発表者:日比野 圭歩


タイトル:DIRECT 法を用いた人協働ロボットを対象とした複合領域設計最適化の高速化

Date: Dec, 14 (Thu) - 16 (Sat), 2023

Venue: Toki messe, Niigata

Presenter: Kaho Hibino

Presentation Number: 3A1-05 

Title: Computation Acceleration of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Cobots using DIRECT Method

発表内容 / Contents

DIRECT 法を用いた人協働ロボットを対象とした複合領域設計最適化の高速化

Computation Acceleration of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Cobots using DIRECT Method

1. 背景 / Background

 一般に人協働ロボットは汎用機として製造され,ユーザが実際に使用する際には性能がオーバースペックである場合が多いと言える.そこで本研究では,設計プロセスに複合領域設計最適化(MDO: Multidisciplinary Design Optimization) [1]を用いる.本研究ではこれまでに,MDOについて幾何学的領域と動力学的領域の2領域に着目し,マニピュレータ全体の質量最小化を目的としてリンク長などを最適化した[2].しかし,2領域の考慮ですでに最適化の計算時間が長くかかっており,計算コストが課題となっていた.そこで本稿では,DIRECT法(矩形分割法: DIvided RECTangle method)[3]の最適化手法を用いて計算の高速化を目指す.

Co-bots are generally manufactured as general-purpose machines, and their performance often needs to be more specified for actual use by users. In this study, Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is used in the design process to obtain the optimal solution based on the results of analysis of assignments (a group of variables consisting of design variables, etc.) that span multiple disciplines [1]. In this study, we focused on two regions in MDO, the geometric and dynamic regions, and optimized link lengths and other parameters, minimizing the mass of the entire manipulator [2]. However, the optimization in the two regions already took a long computation time, and the computation cost must be addressed. This paper aims to speed up the computation using the DIRECT (DIvided RECTangle method) [3] optimization method.

2. 手法 / Methods



DIRECT法ではまず,最適点を含む可能性がある領域(POI: Potentially Optimum Interval)を三等分し,新たに領域を作る.それぞれの領域では中点を代表点とし,代表点での目的関数値がその領域全体の値であるとする.全ての領域において,同じ幅を持つ領域ごとに代表点を比較し,目的関数が最小となる点をその領域幅でのPOIとする.終了判定は,一般的にイテレーション数に閾値を与えて終了する.

The DIRECT method is a direct optimization method and a type of Lipschitz optimization. It is a method that compares the value of the objective function at the center point of a range divided into rectangles and repeatedly divides the rectangle with the smallest (most significant) value into further rectangles and compares them. This method can be applied to problems with multiple peaks and derive a globally optimal solution. 

The DIRECT method first trisects the Potentially Optimum Interval (POI) to create new regions. In each region, the midpoint is the representative point, and the objective function value at the representative point is assumed to be the value for the entire region. In all regions, the representative points are compared for each region of the same width, and the point with the smallest objective function is the POI for the width of the region. The termination decision is generally made by giving a threshold value to the number of iterations.

2.2 複合領域設計最適化のアーキテクチャ


The above figure shows the architecture of the multidisciplinary design optimization applying the DIRECT method in this paper. In this paper, we aim to speed up the overall calculation by using the DIRECT method for the MDO calculation and the analysis of each region.

3. 結果 / Results

上の表に手法と処理の違いによる計算時間の結果を示す.総当たりによる手法では,分割数が小さいため計算時間が短いが,分割数が小さく計算精度が不十分である.一方DIRECT 法を用いた計算では,並列計算の計算時間は2 時間20 分程度であり,並列計算とDIRECT 法の適用により,高速化と高精度化が実現された.

The above table shows the results of computation time for the different methods and processes. The round-robin method requires less computation time due to the smaller number of partitions, but the accuracy needs to be improved due to the smaller number of partitions. On the other hand, the calculation using the DIRECT method takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes in parallel computation, and the application of parallel computation and the DIRECT method has resulted in higher speed and accuracy.

次の表に最適化結果を示す.従来手法での最適化結果No.0[2] と6通りの手法No.1~6での最適化結果を示す.従来手法の結果であるNo.0と比較して,DIRECT 法を用いた手法ではリンク長と軌道相対位置共に精度が高く求められていることがわかる.

The second table shows the optimization results. The optimization results for the conventional method No.0[2] and the six methods No.1~6 are shown. Compared with No.0, which is the result of the traditional method, the DIRECT method is more accurate in determining both the link length and the relative position of the trajectory.

4. 結論 / Conclusions


This paper presents a method and results of applying the DIRECT method to accelerate calculations in multidisciplinary design optimization to reduce the weight of manipulators. Specifically, the DIRECT method was used not only for the optimization calculation in multidisciplinary design optimization but also for the analysis of each region. The calculation time was reduced, and the accuracy was improved.

参考文献 / Reference

[1] Mykel J.Kochenderfer, Tim A.Wheeler, 岸本祥吾, 島田直樹, 清水翔司, 田中大毅, 原田耕平, 松岡勇気, “最適化アルゴリズム”, 共立出版, pp.345–363, 2022.[2] 日比野圭歩,遠藤央,中村裕司,田中真平,”産業用ロボットの軽量化を目的とした作業領域と駆動機構の初歩的複合領域最適化”,日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2023(2P2-A20),2023.[3] Donald R. Jones, C. D. Perttunen, B. Stuckman: “Lipschitzian optimization without the Lipschitz constant”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol.79, no.1, pp.157–181, 1993.